Nakamise Shopping Street

Nakamise shopping street by Macoo at flickr
Lies 200m between the gate of Senso-Ji Temple, Nakamise street has been one of the most famous street for tourists and local citizens as this place will treat you to the most fascinating shopping experience ever.
Providing various kind of snacks and modern until the most antique souvenirs.

Ningyo-yaki by
 Out of all the street snack sold there, one of the most famous cake would be Ningyo-yaki. It is a soft cake filled with red bean paste inside. what makes it different from the one sold in the other place would be because the one sold in Nakasmise are all freshly made and you could enjoy it while it's still warm.

Souvenirs sold in Nakamise by
Besides the unique snacks, you could also find antique and cute souvenirs to bring home. Not only being able to find small accessories, you could even find folded fan with authentic Japanese flower patterns and Yukata also kimono which are Japanese traditional outfits.

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