Korea inside Japan

Shinokubo KoreaTown by mooninthewater.net
This area is probably isn't as well known as the other area in Japan, however Shinokubo is totally the right place for you to visit especially when you're a Korean culture lover. Shinokubo, located near the Shinokubo station is an area very well know to be called as the Japanese Korea Town. It is all started in 2002 when it is the very first time that Korean culture invade Japan with their drama 'Winter Sonata', since then Korean singers and groups started to release their musics in Japanese.

It would be best to refer Shinokubo as the center of Korean culture in Japan, since lots of local fans of the Korean culture would gather in this district and enjoy their meal together as well as sharing their K-pop merchandise in the Korean restaurant. If you are a Korean culture fan, this place must be a perfect place for you to stop by. Starting from food, snacks, even k-pop merchandise are all available here in cheap prices.

Try to find your way to Shinokubo KoreaTown here!

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