150m Up the Ground inside Tokyo Tower

Tokyo Tower by mikesblender.com
This 333m high tower build in 1958 has been the heart of Tokyo for 50 long years. Located in the center of Tokyo, this tower will show you the magnificent view of Tokyo city form 150m up high the ground through the main observatory room. If you are not pleased enough go even higher to the special observatory room and enjoy tokyo city from 250m up the ground.

view from Tokyo Tower observatory deck by panoramio
If you are not the type to enjoy high views due to your scare of height, don't worry, because down stairs they provide a lot of fun places to visit such as the wax museum where they will bring you back to the past with various displays of wax statues portraying several historical scenes you don't want to miss. Besides that, if you enjoy watching unique fishes, you might want to visit the aquarium there, which have the largest collection of fresh water fish in Asia with unique faces from the smallest one to the largest fish.

Check out the video below to see how you could enjoy yourself in Tokyo Tower!

and just in case you lost your way there, check out the map below to guide you there!

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Have a nice day in Tokyo Tower! :D


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